Monday, November 7, 2011

A healthy birthday dinner party - say what???

We celebrated my husband's 50th birthday this month, with friends of course. Talk about a challenge! I am down 14 pounds now and I still wanted to eat healthy but of course I wanted the meal to be enjoyable for everyone. What to do?

Here is the menu I decided on:

7 layer "dip" with raw veggies for "chips".
Home made guacamole also served with the veggie "chips"
Raw nuts also served with the appetizers

Dinner -
Roasted, herbed free-range turkey
Faux mashed potatoes (made out of cauliflower, recipe in last month's blog post)
The remainder of the veggie "chips" not devoured with the appetizers

Gluten-free sugar free flourless chocolate cake for dessert with a whipped cream frosting.

Response? Delicious! My guests could not get enough and there were very few leftovers! Hurray! Mission accomplished!

The taco seasoning for my dip, the guacamole and the cake recipes I got from the free recipe ebook download on the facebook page for Maximized Living. Go get yours!

Recipe for my 7 Layer dip -
Brown one pound ground grass-fed beef with 1/2 chopped onion and 2 cloves minced garlic
Make the taco seasoning from the Maximized Living free ebook download on their facebook page:

Mix the taco seasoning with the browned beef and put in the bottom of a large bowl (glass if you have it to show off the layers)

Add the following in layers:
refried beans - organic or home made ( I usually make my own)
1/2 raw chopped red onion
guacamole (recipe from Maximized Living eBook)
organic yogurt, or home made yogurt from raw milk
sliced kalamari olives
diced organic tomatoes
shredded raw cheese

Add or remove layers as you see fit. Be creative, this isn't written in stone!
Serve with sliced raw veggies for "chips" and stand back and graciously accept the compliments!

Happy and Healthy Living to all!
Grow Foods Market

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